TCGZilla One Piece RTYH Japanese OP01 through EB-02
TCGZilla One Piece RTYH Japanese OP01 through EB-02
TCG Zilla's Original Japanese One Piece Rip Till You Hit an Alternate Art Character or better included sets OP1 through EB-02
All packs come from sealed cases.
RTYH is only for LIVE OPEN.
This will have a minimum of 13 packs (one from each set)
After the initial 13 Packs, additional packs will be opened in the order of release (OP01, OP02, OP03, OP04, OP05, OP06, EB01, OP07, OP08, PRB01, OP09, OP10, EB-02) until an Alternate Art Character or better card is pulled.
Base Secret Rare are excluded from the main hit.
Full Art Characters, Parallel Events and Parallel Stage from PRB-01 are excluded.
Buyer must be on live in order to open, if purchased offline and unable to attend live opening, unopened packs will be substituted for the RTYH at current pack rate.